This is my post from Storymoja this week.I feel very strongly.Can you tell?😀 If you haven’t gathered from the last post, I like to talk about Vaginas And Their Environs. Also, it’s a post kind of about a hip hop song, so…yeah. Even more cussing than the last one. Just letting you know. Recently I […]

The Lion King

This post has nothing to do with the Lion King, except for a passing reference that is on my mind. Think about the Lion King (if you even liked the Lion King. If you didn’t, stop reading this right now. What kind of human doesn’t like the Lion King? Unless. They’re. Not. Human.) I have […]

On Crazy Women, 2

I’m still aliiiiiiive! She didn’t hunt me down like all crazy people in a movie, and we can all be thankful that the blog can go on. 😀 So many things have happened since my last blog. These events mainly include feature films…i.e. Transformers and X-Men: Days of Future Past which I have really been […]

On Crazy Women

I’ve always said that relationships are hard. And the reason they are hard is because most people are one of two things: immature, or crazy. The things that make them so are several: people are immature because they lack experience in relationships. They think that playing games as if you’re in a life-long rom-com is […]

Am I a literary hoax?

There’s a big fat sign in the corner of my blog. Have you noticed? This is the blog from the Storymoja blog this week. I have been struggling valiantly to read Dust by Yvonne Owuor. My cousin has hailed it as one of the greatest novels of its time; she says something about nuances and […]

On the word FUCK

Guess what? This post has cussing. 😀 Also, is a rant. So the sense level, might be, you know, maybe not as up there as I would like. And I’ve had an emotional evening. So, yeah. I just watched the Game of Thrones episode where the Mountain (Queen Sersei’s champion) fights Prince Oberyn (Tyrion Lannister’s […]

Film: Endless Love

Look, it wasn’t my choice to revive this section of the blog with a flimsy flick such as this. Ok, I guess it was, because it’s my blog. But those are just details. Aaaanyhue… Ati Say Goodbye To Innocence. Say goodbye to all those minutes you’ll never get back, especially because you clogged them up […]