Film: Locke

starring Tom Hardy, only, preeeetty muchrated R – lots of cussing So clearly this is going to be a week for oh LOOK. I have something to say and I need to say it immediately. Apparently. So I just finished watching Locke, which is about a chap, Ivan Locke (Hardy) who gets a phone call […]

Film: What If

starring Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan…and Adam Driver.rated PG-13 for like minimum nudity Ok so What If came out in 2013 but I am just catching up on all the torrents I missed. Plus I saw a clip of it and I wasn’t impressed but decided to give it a second chance after seeing it […]

Film: Endless Love

Look, it wasn’t my choice to revive this section of the blog with a flimsy flick such as this. Ok, I guess it was, because it’s my blog. But those are just details. Aaaanyhue… Ati Say Goodbye To Innocence. Say goodbye to all those minutes you’ll never get back, especially because you clogged them up […]

Film: Wolf of Wall Street

starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie and Jonah Hill In a truly surprising turn of events, The Wolf of Wall Street was banned last week from cinemas. The hypocrisy is amusing, seeing as Kama Sutra and other ilk have been shown at cinemas before, and we are the nation who allowed the ‘6 movies 1 ticket’ […]

On idiots, movies, and idiots who should NOT be in charge of movies

Dear Century Cinemax, Your Tuesday offer is stupid. You know, the one where you tell me that if I buy a ticket, I also get popcorn and a hotdog and a soda free. Whoop de do. Because I know you are stupid, I will outline exactly why you are stupid. Because I am sure you […]

FILM: Now you see me

Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Isla Fisher, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, Mark Ruffalo It starts out boring, but you simply gotta see it through to the end. Fisher, Eisenberg, Harrelson and Franco are four magicians who are very good at what they do; magic. Since time immemorial, people have been fascinated with magic and the ones in […]

Film: Man of Steel, Star Trek, The Internship

Aki they are already making a part 2 and I don’t like part 1. Yeah, I said it. I didn’t like Man of Steel…I mean, I liked it, because it is a superhero movie, and I can’t help but like those, but as superhero movies go…nah. I liked Star Trek Into Darkness better. Yeah. It […]