Food: Alexandre’s

I haven’t done a food post in a while because brokeness but one must always hope that other people will give you money or invite you to shit that has free food, amirite? #theFoodiePrayer So I went to Alexandre’s last week. I have reviewed Alexandre’s before – I had a really hard-bunned sandwich (while under […]

Dear Art Caffe

ArtCaffe is one of my favourite restaurants. I have said it before and I will say it again – their pastries are pretty much incomparable, and their French toast with mascarpone cheese and strawberry jam (650 – in the featured image) is one of the most sinfully delightful things I have ever had the joy […]

A perfect milkshake

There’s something beautiful about finding something you have been longing for – and the long search is over. Java and I have a love-hate relationship. It used to lean more to love – back when they would let me sit and wait for my friends with nothing but a glass of water in front of […]

Doughy Delights

Window shopping should be classified under a form of lust. Because that is what it is, no? It’s just walking by glass windows, coveting mightily, all the things your salary won’t let you afford. I am bad at cooking flat things. This includes chapatis (whose disastrous encounters you can read here), pancakes, omelettes…I just can’t […]

The Sheep of Art Caffe: Rated PG-17, or, the Art of Sheepery aka General Sheepishness and Artsy Fartsy Tomfoolery

jumps onto wagon leaps into foray springs into melee bes a sheep And all other similar…similes? Metaphors? Descriptive phrases? Homophrases? Sigh. I did KCPE AND KCSE. 8-4-4 don’t mean a damn thing. It’s everywhere, is Art Caffe today, poor buggers, so I’m following the herd and blogging about it. Some stupid sod decided that the […]


The beginning pretty much summarizes everything I feel about Steers. Their only positive note is that they have pickles in their burgers. Their service sucks. Their burgers are tiny. The two times I have eaten there in the past month, the fries were raw. They don’t have salt; they won’t give me water instead of […]

Tomorrow never comes

Great Sidney Sheldon book. Though to be fair, I can’t think of a single one I did not like. What does that phrase even mean? Isn’t tomorrow here when today is over? Or is it because the statement is never true? I am awake at ungodly hours trying to learn how to type properly and […]