This Bothering Me About My World

I heartily approve of women defending themselves. I sleep with a knife next to my bed (inspired by @chichikimani,who carries a blunt knife in her bag, because wounds from blunt knives heal slower. shivers) and a lighter next to the knife, and a Doom can next to the lighter. Be very sure. As @aprettygirlblog once […]

Thoughts I has before I sleep

TULILUUUU!! Wehweh weeeehhhh. TULILUUUU!! Wehweh weEEEEh. TULILUUUU!! Weh, wehwehweh… Think Clint Eastwood. The Wild, wild West. The mosquito and I faced each other across the dusty town street. Faces peered at us from the mirrors all along the buildings that made up this hick little pitstop of Le Bedroom. That’s right. The French had named […]

A tale of two prayers

I’m not what anyone would really call a praying woman. I admire it in others,though. In fact,there was a point I wanted to get a rosary to encourage me to become said woman. I am,however,of the school of thought that believes God helps those who help themselves. (like the idiot in that story about the […]


Do you ever have those moments in time where you think ‘These niggas don’t know me!? I am having one of those moments. I almost wish I had a piece. But then again I am being drastic. (how about a stun gun? Yes? Yes!) Some nigga has decided that it would be fun to create […]

This post has a bit of cussing.

I thought I would begin this post by stating that I want to be a DJ. This was a fact made even more prominent by attending my (FIRST EVER) New Jack night last week. The DJ did a tip top (ooooh, he’s the top, he’s the tip, he’s the championship/he’s the most tip top/Top Cat!) […]

Because I am famous and because I have said so, so it shall be.

Nothing like a teency,weency mention from Bikozulu to make me famous (again), ha. Ah, Biko. So good to me. Lol. WELCOME, NEWBIES! Yes, because I know you’re there. Yes, has stats that show me up-to-the-minute…um…stats…about who you are, what browser you’re using to find me and what search words you used to do so. […]

What did YOU do this week?

So I bought a pregnancy test. Did you know that a test is 100 bob? It costs a hundred bob to find out if you are having a baby, 50 bob for 3 condoms, 30 bob for the daily pill and 120 for a morning after pill. I feel…is not getting pregnant becoming too easy? […]