Adulthood…I think.

There are several things I have pretty much no interest in. One is fashion,regardless of how many classically gorgeous models I know (like @Thogii. See her pics on,or how many fabulous fashion bloggers I just happen to be acquainted with (@nigmwa). Fashion mostly bores me. I stopped dressing myself a while ago. Now I […]

Save a mother’s life this weekend

So, this is basically a copy-paste off the site indicated at the bottom. Medical students are looking to change the world. :o) Have a read. Medics Against Maternal Mortality (MAMM)“No mother should lose their life, giving life.” MAY 8TH IS MOTHER’S DAY. On this day, “NO NEW MOTHER WILL DIE!” CAMPAIGN Every woman in Kenya […]

The Huge Animal.

2 things before launch: a. GO @teambritish. Support a worthy cause. It’s…you know. Worthy. Golden Rule and all that. Plus, there’s prizes. :o) :o) b. You know how some tv stars are in every single local production? Ok, 4 out of 5. Are you tired of that? Well then,you should follow me or @kenyatvproducer on […]

Of Being Lazy

Hey people. I’ve been guestposting a lot. Ok not a lot. A bit. Lol. Here’re the ones: (courtesy of @wamathai) (he of @mediamk) (the wonderful @bikozulu) Go see. :o) :o) tSN

Justin Timberlake,bitches.

Greenview had a fire today. With any luck,it’s burnt down completely to mere nothingness. Funny is that there’s a fire (hopefully no one got hurt). Hilarious would be if the juice they fed me was incombustible and stood tall amidst the ashes in its ka-mtungi. I’d believe it. I’m on karma’s side,really. And clearly,mind-ninis for […]

You are what you let happen…

This is a not-so-happy fact found in UNICEF’s 2005 report, “Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting. A Statistical Exploration.”Female Genital Mutilation has been inflicted on approximately 130 million girls and young women. In the 28 countries where it is practiced, mostly in Africa, about three million young girls a year can expect the knife – or […]

Why breakups are awkward, 5

Or being dumped/dumping,depending on what’s awkward or not for you… Forget forgetting. What’s even worse is not getting. Your regular booty supply stops. You join the ranks of they who get girls drunk to chips funga/have to actually throw game to get action/blind online dating/going back to old squeezes because adding a number is just […]