Things that go bump in the night. Rated PG…um,I hope you’re grown. :D

They say once you go black,you never go back. Wonder what else that applies to? In accordance to manly preferences,once you go stacked,you never go flat/back? And for the ladies,once you go…batt? I speak not of Christian Bale. (I don’t ever do that,except to bemoan and bitch about his terrible portrayal of a legacy. Sigh. […]

Maybe someone should become Batman.

1 in every 3 men in South Africa has admitted to having raped a woman. One. In every THREE. So how about the ones who didn’t admit it? I don’t understand a society where rape is common. I don’t want to live there either. I have a preoccupation with the safety of my money-maker. In […]

Meeting the in-laws.

I introduce Mr. M to family members for fun. It amuses me to watch him scared. I know,I know. (favorite sadist joke: Masochist: Hurt me.Sadist: No.😀 😀 ) But karma likes to laugh at me sometimes. So the other day I tell him to come over to chill with my cousins and their kid-who,by the […]

The do-do’s of doodoo.

Always check that there’s tissue in the loo BEFORE you decide to do a number 2. #wisdominrhyme #jussayin 😀 2. Always wait for at least 10 minutes after someone has offloaded before you go in for your turn. The seat is less warm – and thus less gross. 3. Don’t get those annoyingly cloying air […]

What happened after that.

I had the veggie burger. It’s been a minute. I’m thinking of going to the Aaron Jazz thingy. I thought it had passed,Mr. M said it’s tomorrow,but Twitter says it was yesterday…#confusion. So I DID end up kinda out yesternight,with my cousin from Egypt. They (him,his wife and his kid) were visiting my uncle but […]

I’m a little teapot, short and stout…

I may have to leave work early today. I am bored. This is because I have been actually working. Wow. People with ‘real’ 9-5 jobs must be mad. Explains a lot. Today’s post is about the randm things in my head.1. Dude. I’ma go all LaKwisha on you real quick. They made the Green Lantern […]

The things we do for love aka Cliches and neo-colonialism

When I was a child, I attended international schools and thus acquired a barely discernible accent. It was enough to make people in my primary school shun me (kids are so mean. Reasons I’m not having any) and my cousin @abbakidenda to this day still thinks I’m a fake who was being pretentious. shrug Such […]