How tSN became a part of the Rat Race.

There’s something incredibly sweet,and deep,about a man who prays with you,for you,and about you. Dude,regardless of how you feel about The Man Up There,the fact that a man can tell him about you…it’s bigger than just meeting the folks. That’s some heavy duty stuff right there. So miracle upon miracles,a company called me back. I’m […]

The way to go

In my high school chapel sits a piano that marks generations upon generations of adolescent girls who have traipsed through its sanctified walls. My name is scratched into the piano lid,right under my cousin’s…because I could. Mostly to leave a legacy; to prove that I was here,that I indeed existed,and the only thing that can […]

Get your act right.

@abbakidenda and I were having one of our deep conversations-we do this ALL the time,Miles Davis was even playing in the background,lol-and we got to talking about 4 groups of people who annoy us most. Naturally my reaction was ‘I should totally blog about this!’ So I am. :o) and yeah,I get that these people […]


I love bathrooms. Preferably clean ones with jacuzzis,but I’m not überpicky about the jacuzzi. The bathrooms is the one room in the digz that fulfills all my basic human needs. Other than the obvious,bathroom duty (doody! Hehe) releases endorphins that quite frankly are only comparable to orgasm,particularly if we’re talking after a long-ass road trip. […]

The Hair One

A wise man who was probably an old,seasoned warrior with white hair and war scars to boot-why aren’t wise old men ever young?-once said that a wise man-not in referral to himself-or maybe! I don’t know. I’m not him.-not only knows when to fight,but which battles need to be fought. I’m going through a stage […]

I know this was supposed to be the hair one,but it’s not aka Tales from Childhood 1

I was a wonderfully precocious child. I say this with a mixture of pride and prejudice- HA!- because I cannot count the number of times my siblings have told me I was a much smarter kid than I am adult. So pride because I had memorized the entire periodic table and aspired to be an […]

I don’t know what to name this post.

The thing with school being over is that I now have time to listen to the rain falling outside my window. Which,really,is great,because now I do things like blog in the middle of the night and check out eeeeeeeveryone’s websites. And facebook pages. In fact,I actually played the numbers game. Fun times. I had to […]