Today’s reflections

I don’t care what everyone says,drugs are your friend. This is my constant resounding refrain everytime I get tonsilitis. Like now. During my lovely 5 day weekend,I was thoroughly rained on while trying to make my way to Slam Africa. Thus,my tonsils inflamed and I am now sick. And not just a normal kind of […]

Of Wiles and Women

Ideally,a manfast is me not doing anything with any men-or boys-or males,generally-for a pre-arranged period of time. Who agrees amongst themselves? Me. Though this does tend to make me sound schizophrenic. Thing is,I’m not good at keeping away. As is clearly evidenced,the male species is the exact definition of a paradox of desires. I want,but […]

A New Dawn

Mr. M. pretends he’s not used to my madness, but he is. It’s perfectly normal for me to make him be my pretend boyfriend. Better the devil you know, right? I’ve had some really random experiences with making strangers my pretend boyfriends. Especially when they’re sexually confused. But that’s a story for another day. We […]


So I like a well-planned threesome. Sue me. (it’s all in the detail,I swear) This,however,was not going to be one of them. I could tell. With threesomes,as with 69s and the banana ride at Luna Park (no pun intended),you need a certain level of inspiration for it to come together. I wasn’t necessarily feeling überinspired […]

Wanna be on tv?

A quick commercial break…I need people to talk about my blog on telly,so answer these 3 questions asap. Please note that all the answers are contained in the blog…mostly. :o)1. Who is tSN’s least favorite Batman?2. Which of The Girls rates men using their business cards?3. What does tSN do? The most innovative and interesting […]

People peeves

People who take your shit and don’t give it back. I’ve been wishing maggots on this evil species. 2. People who think you have to be 2mm behind me on a line. Ever heard of freakin personal space? It’s not an urban myth. GTFO of my space. 3. People who think it’s ok to take […]

Britney Spears

Usually,I laugh at such situations. I mean,you find your friend making out with a guy you were just making out with 3 and a half minutes ago…what’s your typical reaction,really? Is there a predefined set of rules that directs you on how one should behave (as opposed to making some up on the spot)? I […]