The Mr. T. Chronicles: Chapter 2: The Middle

Phones can be so incompliant. No matter how long you stare at them, they refuse to ring. Or buzz. Or go shove the shoulder of the person you want to holla and MAKE THEM TALK TO YOU. Sigh. I was once again, willing WITH ALL MY MIGHT Mr. T. to text me. The ultimate female […]

An Essay on Space

Definition: (in thesaurus) room…breathing space…freedom…liberty…legroom…gap…opening…universe…cosmos…area… White space: The space on a page to ease your eyes, often used by journalists and print enthusiasts to make you feel like you are not reading as much as you think you are. Outer space: The world outside of our own that nations everywhere are fighting over, in an […]

The Mr. T. Chronicles : Chapter 1- The Beginning

It was a dark, stormy night.* Fortunately, I was inside a warm living room*, sipping on a glass of semi-glamorous and entirely sober Alvaro*. Those loose, unnecessary cover-ups that are an excuse to get together and drink. For my other friends, of course.* It had been a pleasant evening. Ribald jokes, lewd humor and good […]

Holding out for a hero

I love superheroes. The general idea, anyway, that someone is going to save the world from itself, champion the rights of the downtrodden and look really hot doing it at the same time. Someone should really think of making superheroes poster people for deodorants. I’m just saying, all that flying around can’t be sweat-free. Especially […]

Prequel: The Mr. T. Chronicles – Friendly Etiquette, obviously

So, humans are…well, human. Obviously. Otherwise they’d be called grass. Or electricity poles. Anyhue. So humans have needs. Groinal urges, if you will. (Teehee.) To satisfy these urges, a willing partner is needed, obviously. Most people resort to their relationships. When those are not readily available, they resort to their friendships. Thus, the lustful union […]

The Ratio Principle

I LIKE NAIROBI MEN.Yes, I said it. Mostly because, you know, it’s true. I have observed this truth upon my extensive forays into this wide and wonderful universe (spanning a whopping four countries, one of which I was only at the airport, and another we merely drove through. But I breathed the air there! And […]