Hey people. I’ve been guestposting a lot. Ok not a lot. A bit. Lol. Here’re the ones:
http://www.wamathai.com/2011/04/unspoken-brighten-your-day-the-softa-soda-way/ (courtesy of @wamathai)
http://www.frankierants.com/2011/04/guest-post-hate-about-kenyan-media/ (he of @mediamk)
http://bikozulu.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/guest-writer/ (the wonderful @bikozulu)
Go see. :o) :o)
Hey there! Stopping over from Cake B. I had an idea for why breakups are awkward part 5.1: sometimes they later claw your face in a crowded classroom.
True story.
Nice blog!
HI Caleb! Thanks for stopping over! If you wanna write one, I'll put it up. :o)