Let me tell you the scariest thing.

Let me tell you the scariest thing about giving yourself to someone, entirely and completely, as if no one will come after them and they are the forever. It isn’t even that if it ends you might have nothing left of yourself to try again with someone else. It is that once you let someone […]

Nothing like the first time

I remember the first time I met Jazz. It was in my Aunty Pat’s house. At Aunty Pat’s house, no one was allowed to touch anything, ever. Not even Aunty Pat’s husband. Aunty Pat had the type of fiery predictable temper that would light up at the slightest provocation. And it wasn’t because she was […]

Film: Mockingjay

Don’t read this if you liked the movie Mockingjay. Don’t bother with the movie if you loved the books. Don’t bother with this review if you liked the last movies. So I loved the Hunger Games books. I think Suzanne Collins is great and everyone should be reading her stuff instead of E. L. James. […]

(Unleash) the Dragon

She said: You never want to be the chick who threatens suicide so much that eventually, people stop picking up your calls. In fact, you have the friend who said, ‘Don’t, Jesus won’t let you’ which made you wonder which Jesus she could possibly be referring to, and why he is so unsympathetic. Then there’s […]

If you

If you leave me, I’ll  tear a hole in the sky so large it’ll never stop raining on the world.  If you ever walk away, I’ll  follow you until you have to run from me, till my feet start leaving bloody tracks behind my heart that’s trying to catch up with yours. If you break […]