She said: I was fingered once on my back in front of the maize cobs that waved in my mother’s backyard. I remember itchy grass and an uncomfortable feeling that something was poking somewhere I did not want it to be; something dry and scratchy like what a scarecrow boner must feel like. Only the […]


When his ex who was your best friend before they fucked starts following you on Instagram and your natural reaction, of course is to look through her pictures and see if she’s ugly yet, or lost that slight mboch flavour you knew well and loved, if the burning desert sun has worked wrinkles into her […]


The easiest ship to sink is a mother’s heart You’ll see it when it happens, when she looks at you, eyes and soul heavy with a dank disappointment about who you have chosen to become – not her, not anything like her, and not anything she wished. You see the hope fall and you let […]

The Strange

1 So strange, how before the light of the newness fades you still look into my eyes like I contain the secrets of all planets, all universes  then as the eclipse passes I become just another star 2 It’s strange the things one remembers when unhappy You would think the memories would be black and […]


I have no time to be lied to by you.

I have no time to be lied to by you.  If you want me, want me, fiercely, wholly, under a thick spotlight of truth.  If you need me, say so, often.  If you want forever, then fucking commit.  If you want our dreams to be ours, forge them with me with magic and the harsh […]