Ake Festival Submission Story

I applied for the Ake Festival Grant, but I didn’t get in. Figured I would publish the story here, though. ‘The central theme of the competition is travel, which references geographical or physical movement or in the broader sense which encapsulates migration or mind travel. Submitted work must be original and unpublished. Africa must be […]

Choose Me.

Don’t fall for him, please.  I know he’s better looking and  Drives a fast car.  But stay with me and my flaws.  He won’t give you all of him like I can.  He won’t show you the cracks of his surface Like I have.  You won’t know him the way you intimately know me.  But […]

Film: DOPE

Dope wasn’t as dope as I thought it was going to be, but it’s good. This is a movie about Malcolm and his two best friends, Diggy and Jib, and their adventures, so to speak, as three geeky senior year teenagers consumed by hormones in a school with unsympathetic bullies who eventually end up dealing drugs […]