
She said: When you want something badly enough, you forget its flaws. In fact, the deceit of desire lies in its ability to make you think that nothing else matters and nothing else exists. By the time you open up your legs to be its whore, you’re not using protection. By the time he got […]

I hate work emails.

How much do I hate work emails? Let me count the ways. I hate that little notification That tells me it’s time to man the work station and all that that little beep entails. I hate that I have to keep looking at it and refreshing it all day Sitting in fear and consternation Side […]


When I people watch, I’m usually trying to decide if people are happy. No making up elaborate stories about their inheritances or sex lives, unless they have a super obvious pointer to either, but whether they have contentment. Whether the chubby mother running after her chubby baby really wanted said baby, or if in the […]

The first time

You never want to admit to a spark. Sometimes because it’s always scary to admit to feeling to anything that makes you vulnerable. But also because sometimes you shouldn’t be admitting it. You shouldn’t feel the way you feel…even if you haven’t fully described it. Or maybe that’s what everyone says. And everyone knows sparks […]


She said: Is it not agony, knowing that you will never, ever be the perfect child your mother had hoped; hoped that after carrying you for 9 months you would be the angel she’d always wanted? You will never make her choices, even though she desperately wishes you would. You’ll never love her God, her […]