The most dangerous meal ever.

I was at my mom’s, happily acting like a bachelorette (or rather, not really acting. Because I am…) and having my fill of chapos. I piled on some chicken and sukuma and stuck that sweet looking baby in the microwave (except for the chapo. I don’t do chapos and microwaves. Takes away the flavour. Becomes […]


Certain things make me weak at the knees. Chocolate men wearing loafers who are bald and have accents…or just chocolate men. Chocolate delicacies, like a Snickers bar. A good book at a great deal (just bought the ENTIRE Chronicle of Narnia series for a sock. Mind = blown, and, well, knickers…). Good food. A fantastic […]

Let’s! Go! FLY a KITE!!

I really hate the weird sounds planes make. Like, when it’s in the air and the ka-hum reduces as if it’s an appliance about to go off. But, aside from that, I love me some planes. I’d forgotten how much I like flying, to the point I get a little bit emotional. I’d forgotten how […]


Like a grown up, today I went and bought many things that the world says one should have in a grown up’s house (clearly, this is quite the bone of contention/main underlying theme with me). One of these was a fridge. The fridge section tends to be boring. Especially the cheap fridge section. Annoyance #1 […]

Film: The Hobbit | An Unexpected Journey

Yes, I did. I watched it before you. LOL. I had some apprehension going into this movie; first, because I would rather Christopher Nolan not ruin yet another epic from me, and second, I mean, aside from Star Wars, are prequels ever worth it? YES. I loved it! All of it. I was on the […]

Film: Pitch Perfect

Aside from my brilliant writing, I used to belong to one of the best a cappella groups ever (shout out to my boy Mike, who’s gonna fly my private plane when I’m rich). We were pretty fantastic. I was just the talent, but the two guys behind the magic (magic here referring to vocal arrangements […]

Moving on UP!

My 20 jobs are going fine, thank you very much. How I ended up moving out is I got tired of the situation I was in (i.e. not being able to have arbitrary sleepovers and trips to Lamu, lol) and so I purposed -really hard! – and moved. I think there is a lot to […]