I CHOOSE LIFE!! (pahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)

My eyes are getting ready to write placards decrying the inhumane treatment they have been forced to endure at my…eyeballs. It’s 2 in the morning, and I am awake, doing my job…blogging. Ha, no. I just sent in something that was due a while back. Lately, my life seems to be full of those. I […]

The Sunny Side

I swear I wrote this post ages ago and then something happened and then…well, I’m here now. Hello, folks! It’s been a while. Things have changed in my life, which will be blogged about at a later date (I hope. I pray). I will just say, the major change was The Move from Foreverland to […]

Film: Brave

I watched Brave, and it freaked me out. Like, I was genuinely scared. There was a darkness in it that I felt was not meant for tois, bana. Aside from the untrue GE rating…the graphics were good. I liked the accents (who doesn’t like Scots? And they paid tribute to Braveheart. You can’t not like […]

Book: Something Borrowed

I dunno what the chances are that one can have one title for two different books about two totally different things, but I guess with chicklit, it was only a matter of time (particularly when the title is a line from marital vows. There’s probs 4 other ones). I just finished reading Something Borrowed by […]

Tomorrow never comes

Great Sidney Sheldon book. Though to be fair, I can’t think of a single one I did not like. What does that phrase even mean? Isn’t tomorrow here when today is over? Or is it because the statement is never true? I am awake at ungodly hours trying to learn how to type properly and […]

Film: Skyfall

sighs in ecstasy I watched Skyfall yesterday. I was one of the first people in East Africa to do so. I am so glad I am a blogger! Lol. Yo. Y’all do not even understand how good that movie was. It was funny. It was somber. It was action-packed. It was sexy. It was… It […]

Food: Urban Coffee

It takes a combination of balls and stupidity to open up your coffee/cafe thingummy right next to a franchise that has been doing what you are trying to do for years. This is either chutzpah, or you are dumb. I am yet to decide. Urban Coffee is at Capital Centre, the corner before you turn […]