The Onion Conspiracy

So, I am cooking again. There must be a full moon out. looks at hands WHO AM I???!! This is not about what I cooked. (although, if you must know, it’s spaghetti and mince meat) (no, I do NOT always cook spaghetti. It’s just…everytime I blog, I make spaghetti. WHADDAYA WANT FROM ME??!!) It is […]

By @ntawi…

11 THINGY THINGS ** Post rules ** Post 11 random things about yourself ** Answer questions posted by the person who tagged you ** Create 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer your questions ** Notify those tagged of the game ** Notify the person who tagged you after you have answered the questions […]

The Tsavo Diaries: Day 1

I WENT TO TSAVO! It’s funny how sometimes I put things into the universe and they just happen. :o) Like how I have been saying for AGES how I want to travel/go to National Parks, and lookie here! Whoop whoop! So this post is going to be in segments, because there is WAY TOO MUCH […]

11 thingy things…

I was tagged by LadyNgo. I love this ish. :o) GO! ** Post rules** Post 11 random things about yourself** Answer questions posted by the person who tagged you** Create 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer your questions** Notify those tagged of the game** Notify the person who tagged you after you have […]

The Journey begins! : A photo story

No, I didn’t see one. sigh People, this is my confession to you today: My name is tSN, and I am not a true Kenyan. (Hi, tSN!) Why, you ask? I have never seen a real lion, like, in the wild. Or an elephant. Or a cheetah. Or a wildebeest (this word. Why is it […]

Man Duran and the Sparkling Gambino

I just felt like. Who saw the pigs flying last week? You may have missed them,but they were quite a sight. I’m one of those writers who regularly uses repetition as a stylistic device,so let me just warn you now: what you are about to read has been vented about before. I have been telling […]

Film Review: Avengers *SQUEALS*

I am a seal. I just watched Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Words cannot begin to explain. And yet I am still going to write an entire blogpost. I will not put any spoilers, but I will say you MUST go watch this movie. This is the BEST MOVIE I HAVE SEEN THIS YEAR. (funny, one […]