My first Day at Work.

So, today, I woke up earlier than I have ever woken up…since high school, anyway. Ok, since my 9 a.m. uni classes. My body was in disbelief and refused to get into the shower until I coaxed it with the showerhead…PSYCHE. (too early for such. Give me like an hour. :D) The shower done, I […]


I have thought long, and deep and hard, and no, this is not the introduction to the explanation and or fabrication of a tawdry midnight affair between sweaty linen sheets, gripping hands and eager lips. This is no affectation of depth, no philosophical rambling of a soul self-designated to impress No. This is me, impressing […]

The way we were.

Dudes and dudettes,a pearl of wisdom I recently re-learnt. Nothing screams unsexy more than saliva flowing from your lips in a never-ending stream of grossness. I went to the dentist today. The dentist’s chair and I once had a torrid affair,which promptly ended once its sadistic tendencies were noticed by the genius currently writing this […]

I Live in N.Eastern & I Work for the Military

Last night on #ATADQ (AkelLoveTwitterAfterDarkQuestion),I asked what it would take for someone to date someone they’re completely unattracted to. The answer was mostly money,personality,or boudoir skills…of course. I don’t know what it would take. Probably the personality bit. The other day,I took my cousin to Times Tower to get his Driver’s Licence renewed. He needed […]

Humans Say The Stupidest Things

Ever watched or read Bill Cosby’s ‘Kids say the darndest things?’ They really do. I tend to think anything that Cosby puts into production is hilarious,so I may be biased,but that was a really funny show. And why was it funny? Because kids are so unassuming,so innocent,so unpretentious and unadulterated,that they constantly say the things […]

Your Own Personal Psychic.

My friend is a successful woman, which basically means she makes enough moolah to be in 2 chamas and keep her parents happy enough to not let them start questioning why they paid for her Masters. She also has a deadbeat boyfriend who she’s been with for a year and a half. He looks like […]