Today, I was on my way to Cake Hut in Nairobi West. I passed by Mr Price when I was heading to Afya Centre,and decided to kill a little time browsing through their overpriced aisles. Now,I hate shopping. I hate going through everything,getting them,standing the in the sun if need be,never finding shoes that fit […]

Yesterday’s musings

My niece Dee happens to think I’m the bee’s knees. This,of course is not true; I am but a mere mortal with a gift I wield skilfully,crafted by the gods themselves. 😀 The other day,we were having dinner,and I was reiterating my complete lack of desire for a tSN Jr. As a woman who craves […]


My friend Pebbles is a wild thing. In the old school rock and roll Harley Davidson-riding kinda way,not in the weak-willed silly teen movie type. She’s a lot like me,but the difference between us is that while I’d probably go to a strip club to watch,she’d be working the poles. She’s more brash,in your face,louder […]

Tales of Childhood, 2.

When I was young, I never needed anyone. HA! NOT the Celine Dion song (which Pia sang, who was eliminated from American Idol this season. sorrow). This is the tSN post. Back to business. In the 4th grade (around the same time as the catfight), my homeroom teacher was a fiery spinster called Ms. Smith. […]


I met a man today. A real man,ladies,not these fops who perpetuate and pontificate of a manliness they do not understand behind thin facades of idiocy; no. A MAN. This man…had a look in his eye that told me he knew exactly what he wanted to do to me,when,and how. He had it timed to […]


Can you believe it? This is my hundredth blog post. I never thought I’d get this far…tears I’m sure you all know that isn’t true. :o) So, in honour of this auspicious occasion…hehe…I got a blogging award! I’m kinda uberexcited. Do YOU have a blogging award? No? That’s what I thought. Hehe. (Sorry, I’m kind […]

Adulthood…I think.

There are several things I have pretty much no interest in. One is fashion,regardless of how many classically gorgeous models I know (like @Thogii. See her pics on,or how many fabulous fashion bloggers I just happen to be acquainted with (@nigmwa). Fashion mostly bores me. I stopped dressing myself a while ago. Now I […]