The Crises of Faith

…number 1 being,a lot of the time,the hardest bit for me of church is deciding what to wear. Many a Sabbath morning (at least once a week :D) is spent going through my closet in frustration,wishing that I was some other religion that allows trousers to church. Loose ones,honest. I’m a sandals-and-linen cleavage-baring hippie,so dressing/covering […]

An evening in Nairobi.

Music is like the ultimate lover. For me,anyway,music takes me to a near orgasmic level,ever-shifting in its ability to make me feel…anything. It teases. It pleads. It loves. It laughs. It draws you in. It transcends emotion,and makes you feel like heaven must be,just,music. I haven’t had earphones for a while. I finally bought some […]

A moderately offensive post. No offense.

I went shoe shopping today. As a rule,I don’t do Bata. All the shoes I get from there tend to pinch my toes,though they claim to be size 8. But today I was feeling gracious/stupid. In I went. They brought back shoes that I had wanted ages ago! excitement Trying to learn from past experiences,I […]

Why people get castrated.

Two things:1, I’m pretty passive aggressive,and2, I hate weddings. So I’ve been roped in to another wedding. This makes me assume that I must be masochistic,because HOW DO I KEEP LETTING THIS HAPPEN TO ME?? breathe However,I guess this one isn’t going to be so bad (read apocalyptically awful and mind-numbingly exhausting) because it’s for […]

My weekend

Church,and then an old friend comes over for lunch. It’s strange how we change from our childhood states. We used to be the pervy kids,deliberately misconstruing everything our teachers said,giggling obviously behind our books. I’m still pervy,but he became principled. I was supposed to be the principled one! It was weird. Blast from the past […]

Regressive behaviour aka The Rant.

The problem with not getting closure is that you end up living the title. I dated this boy (operative word here,boy) (this having a blog thing is a bit destructive for my ranting. Nonetheless.). He was just…in a word,tasty. He looked good,all the time,smelled good all the time,said all the right things,most of the time […]

What’s in my cup

I like to touch myself. I believe it’s healthy to be familiar with your body, lest you develop a third eye (not the good, all-seeing self-actualization kind) and you didn’t know. I was in Mombasa one year, enjoying the repressive blanket of heat that constantly covers that coastal town, when I noticed a swelling in […]