Book: Something Borrowed

I dunno what the chances are that one can have one title for two different books about two totally different things, but I guess with chicklit, it was only a matter of time (particularly when the title is a line from marital vows. There’s probs 4 other ones). I just finished reading Something Borrowed by […]

Film: Nairobi Half Life

…which stops showing on October 4th, by the way, so you need to go see it (at Nakumatt Junction and at Nakumatt Westgate) (also, I just saw Haywire, but that will be reviewed…later) WHAT I LIKEDThe pick of actors was excellent. (only one who did not resonate with me, aside from the supporting characters who […]

Film: TDKR

I couldn’t find the poster I liked. But this one will definitely do. So Tom Hardy’s accent does not sound fake in this. In fact, I cannot place what it sounds. It was, like, Russian, with a tinge of Middle Easter clipped English slathered with British influences. I dunno what the hell was going on […]